Database - Manual download (go to french page)
Database for Wow Cartographe
The database you can find here can be downloaded easier with the autoupdater module included in the Cartographer. Anyway, if you dont want to be connected to Internet with the Cartographer, you can download the last DB manually here.
WARNING: New Databases are not compatible with previous version than 1.06
Use them only with WowCartographe 1.06+
Important: once the download is finished rename the file you got in master.loc, then, simply replace the old existing master.loc in your wowcarto_root_folder\database\language_of_the_DB\
- Database Fr (wowcarto1.06+) 75539 annotations [dernière mise à jour 10/04/2011 12:44:00]
- Database US (wowcarto1.06+) 33612 annotations [dernière mise à jour 08/08/2010 13:12:59]